Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Update on Meditation

I completed the 10 days with Headspace and I enjoyed it, but it was pretty much the same thing each day. I'm not sure if it changes when you subscribe to the service or not. Maybe I'll try it out, but I can always do the 10 days over again since they are free. I also feel like I get the benefits of meditation through yoga practice as well.
I did a yoga routine today and felt like my body was humming or buzzing afterwards. It's a weird sensation, but I always feel so good and more awake after yoga. Yoga is a fantastic exercise and helps reduce stress and anxiety. I started to do yoga about 7 years ago after I had my first child. I loved it. I always got a great workout and it was a perfect escape from a colicky baby. I went twice a week and ended up getting to my lowest weight by pretty much only doing yoga as exercise.
I'm beginning to incorporate more yoga into my exercise routine and am hoping to see the benefits in terms of relaxation and added flexibility.

Saturday, January 18, 2014


As a child I would journal my thoughts and on a pretty regular basis. The older I became the less I continued to journal until I just stopped. I'm not sure why I stopped.  I don't think it was a conscious decision. This last week I began thinking about starting to a journal again at least to jot down a quick thought, an inspirational quote or even a feeling I was experiencing.  I found a small little book that I keep in my car. I wait in a pickup line at my daughter's school for ten minutes or so and it's the perfect opportunity for me to journal. I came across this quote and thought it represents what I'm trying to achieve this year with myself.

things that matter most must never be at the mercy of things that matter least - goethe on priorities

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Water, Drink it!

I'm not going to lie I've never been a fan of drinking water.  I usually have to force myself to drink it. Now my daughter on the other hand always picks water which I think is awesome.
I am always aiming to drink more water each day.  Some days I do great and I feel like I'm floating along with all the water sloshing around inside my stomach and other days I get busy and forget.

I've found the key is to fill up a water bottle first thing in the morning and carry it around everywhere. 

Another way that helps me drink more is to flavor the water with lemon or lime or cucumber.  I bought a relatively cheap glass water pitcher that you can put lemons or whatever flavor you like in the infuser and it flavors the water.  The kids enjoy it too.

Cheers to drinking more water each day. 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kicking the Diet Soda Habit

I've been a diet soda addict for a LONG time. Everyone knows it! One year a coworker bought me diet soda ornament. That just goes to show you how addicted I am.  I've also quit a few times for at least 6 months at a time, but somehow always make my way back to it.  What's terrible, is that once I stop drinking it for a little while and start drinking it again it doesn't taste as good as I remember.  It tastes like a can of chemicals and I'm repulsed the first few sips till I'm hooked all over again.  The chemicals can't be good for me and it has to be eroding the enamel off my teeth.  If I want to be healthy it's time to kick the habit.  Plus it doesn't help that my kids think they should be able to drink it too, which I'm not crazy about.  So, if I'm not letting them drink it then why do I think it's okay for me to drink.
I'm sure you are wondering how I'm going to quit. Cold turkey!  I'm an all or nothing kind of gal.  If I give myself leeway then I start to take advantage and I'm hooked all over again.  So, I've just quit buying it. I'm sticking to drinking water and hot tea. Maybe I'll meditate when I get the craving for a diet soda.
Speaking of meditation, I completed my 2nd day of meditation.  There's nothing like trying to meditate while your 4 year old is playing trucks.  VROOM, VROOM, CRASH were the sounds going on in the background, but I managed just fine.  It doesn't have to be silent to meditate and I didn't let it bother me.  I guess it comes with being a mom because I'm great at tuning out things! I came across this quote today it really represents what I'm trying to do with my health.

To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


I've tried meditation in the past quite a few times, but of course it's something that I push to the side and don't make time for it.  This is something that I'm adding to my daily routine.  Notice how I said I'm adding to rather than I'll try to.  You have to believe it and not make excuses to actually accomplish adding something to your routine.

 I actually feel quite wonderful after mediating or a good yoga workout.  I hang on to stress until I'm a ball of nerves and end up making myself sick.  Actually making myself sick!  I never felt like my emotions were connected to making me physically sick, but after having 3 sinus infections back to back.  I knew it had to do with my stress levels.  This is something I can change in my life to get myself back on track to become healthier.  It will not happen overnight, but making steps each day I will achieve a happier and healthier life. The step I took today was finding an app that allows me to mediate anywhere.  I like guided meditation, it helps me to stay present and not fall asleep.  I'm trying out Headspace for ten days and I'll let you know how I like it. The first day was great and the animated explanations on meditation that they have on the app are fantastic.
It did help me let go of something that was bothering me and I call that a success for today!

A New Year

As this year draws to a close it has inspired me to start recording the changes I've made to my health and of course the daily struggle of staying on the path to health.  This past year I've found out my food sensitivities, my vitamin deficiencies and my hormone levels.  The biggest change has been my diet since I had 28 food sensitivities.  I've always had some sort of stomach issues and knowing what my body can't tolerate has made a world of difference.  I've started taking multiple vitamins since I was deficient in some and my immune system was down.  It's been an ongoing process to get my health back in check and I'm still trying to find more ways to improve my health.  I'm dedicating this upcoming year to finding out the puzzle pieces in getting myself in excellent health physically, mentally and spiritually.