Since it's winter and always snowy out I haven't been getting out and running like I should. The single digit temperatures don't make it appealing. I've been aiming for 30 minutes a day of exercise at the very least. I've been rotating between a few different indoor activities.
One is rebounding. as in jumping on a min trampoline. I received one from Santa this year and it's fabulous. It's a Bellicon which is seriously the best trampoline I've ever jumped on. It doesn't have any springs and it is virtually silent. Instead of springs it has bungees attaching it to the frame. I'm not the only one that loves it, my kids do too. Then once I'm done jumping for 25-30 minutes I do my 7 minute exercise app. It's 30 seconds of an exercise like lunges, squats, etc and 10 seconds of rest.
My other exercise routine is Yoga on the other days. I recently subscribed to Yoga Online and I've really enjoyed all the videos they have on there and there's plenty to rotate through so I'm not the slightest bit bored.
I am looking forward to spring and getting out of the house more to play and exercise.